
Be_U Events – Back To Roots (DJ’s/Electronic/(Performance) Art)

Be_U Events – Back To Roots (DJ’s/Electronic/(Performance) Art)

Dear Lovely People! do you remember our first BE_U in 2021?

BE_U Events is inviting you now to the “Back To Roots” event to go on a journey of rediscovery and celebrate the authenticity of our beloved BE_U when it started 4 years ago.
It’s a gathering where we reconnect with our roots, offering a multisensory experience that transports attendees to the essence of creativity. Through immersive performances, interactive installations, and a diverse lineup, “Back to Roots” fosters a sense of our community.
Join us as we embark on a vibrant celebration of tradition, diversity, and the timeless power of artistic expression of BE_U.

Line Up:
– Goro B2B Lev Tatarov // @goromusic B2B @levtatarovmusic
– Odette Hayas // @odette.hayas
– Hoani Teano // @hoani.teano
– Bart Blankman // @bartblankman

Art Exhibition:
– Robert Prins

– Desert Goddess // @desert.goddess
– The illest illuminator // @the.illest.illuminator
– Artsyrebel.rina // @artsyrebel.rina

With Love❤️
BE_U crew

#Events #Amsterdam #Party #Art #instruments #DJ


Date: 25th of May
Time: 20.00 – 3.00h
Location: Toekomstmuziek, Danzigerbocht 29, Amsterdam
Entrance: Paid >> Tickets