In Concert: Skaldik
In Concert: Skaldik
El SKA es un género musical nacido a finales de 1950 en Jamaica. Se hizo popular en inglaterra y fusionado con otros ritmos desde finales de 1970.
The SKA is a musical genre born in the late 1950s in Jamaica. It became popular in England and fused with other rhythms from the late 1970s.
El PUNK es un género musical nacido a mediado de 1970 con el cual la juventud marginada gritaba su rabia.
PUNK is a musical genre born in the mid-1970s with which marginalized youth shouted their anger.
Skapunklorico es un concepto creado por Skaldik para estudiar melodías de tradición latinoamericana, inspirarse en ellas y componer en la síncopa SKA y la rabia del PUNK.
Skapunklorico is a concept created by Skaldik to study traditional Latin American melodies, be inspired by them and compose in the SKA syncopation and the rage of PUNK
Salud, Ska y Libertad.
Date: 22nd of September
Time: 20.00 – 3.00h
Location: Toekomstmuziek, Danzigerbocht 29, Amsterdam
Entrance: Tickets